تهدف المنصة إلى خدمة المستفيدين من خلال البرامج التدريبية التي سوف يقدمها المركز في تخصصات المتابعة والتقييم وقياس الأثر، كما تهدف المنصة إلى بناء قاعدة بيانات للمتدربين والممارسين بهدف الربط فيما بينهم وبين البرامج التدريبية، والربط بينهم وبين فرص العمل وطالبي خدمات مجال المتابعة والتقييم وقياس الأثر ، بما يهدف إلى بناء وتفعيل مجتمع ممارس.

The platform aims to serve the beneficiaries through the training programs that will be provided by the Center in the disciplines of monitoring, evaluation, and measuring impact. The platform also aims to build a database for trainees and practitioners with the aim of linking them with training programs and with job opportunities as well as those who seek the services of monitoring, evaluation, and measuring impact, with the aim of building and activating a community of practice

The platform includes

Information and Communication System
Results-based Management System
Learning Resources
Practitioners Database


Facilitating and enabling organizations and individuals to practice results-based management



Individual practitioners

Platform management

About Us

The Impact Center works at the national level to provide effective and sustainable impact development services with the aim of helping the non-profit sector and government agencies with respect to making the most impactful decisions and policies.

All rights reserved to Impact Center © 2022