Impact Evaluation and Measurement

مركز الأثر تقييمات الاحتياجات

To Conduct and implement monitoring, evaluating, and measuring the impact for organizations.

Independent Evaluation for non-profit organizations that have completed the Institutional Capacity Development Program, in order to:

  • Develop a framework for assessing and measuring the organizations’ institutional capabilities.
  • Identify the organizations which have benefited from the program and have seen significant improvement in the institutional capabilities.
  • Identify gaps or areas where improvement is still needed, and take the needed action to improve these areas (through specific development works), and help the organizations achieve the desired level of institutional capabilities (institutional maturity).

About Us

The Impact Center works at the national level to provide effective and sustainable impact development services with the aim of helping the non-profit sector and government agencies with respect to making the most impactful decisions and policies.

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